Can Huckabee Win the GOP Nomination?

February 11, 2008

Go Mike!

Huckabee Speech to CPAC

February 10, 2008

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Two Man Race

February 7, 2008

Interesting developments…

Mitt Romney ended his 2008 presidential bid today. That in effect makes Mike Huckabee the only viable contender against McCain for the GOP nomination. Now is the time for all conservatives to rally around Governor Huckabee; here are the top 5 reasons why:

1. Immigration: Mike signed a pledge today that was drafted by Sen. Sessions that he will make immigration a top priority as President. Mike is a man of his word and is the ONLY electable candidate who will END ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

2. Second Ammendment: Mike is the strongest candidate dedicated to defending the 2nd Ammendment – check out his record.

3. Tax Reform: It is utterly ludicrous to call Mike Huckabee an economic liberal. What he did in terms of cutting taxes in Arkansas was Revolutionary. He has the most conservative plan for federal taxes -eliminate the IRS and replace it with the flat consuption-based FAIR Tax.

4. Judges: In the next two presidential terms there are likely to be 3 vacancies in the US Supreme Court. Unlike Mike Huckabee, John McCain is not dedicated to appointing true conservative judges like Sam Alito who will support the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and the right to bear arms.

5. Communication: Mike is young, energetic and motivational. Not only will this give him a huge advantage in beating the Democratic Nominee (once he gets financial support of GOP), but it will make him the president who will unite the American people and get things done by selling concepts to the American people who will in turn compel their representatives (House and Senate) to support the President’s proposals.