One Last Twist…

February 16, 2008

Sen. McCain’s Lead In Texas Small

February 15, 2008
Two new polls in Texas from ARG and POS show a 6 and 4 point lead for Senator McCain in Texas.

As Gov. Huckabee said in his email yesterday, Texas is the place to fight for the nomination.  These leads are small considering the attention the media has been heaping on Senator McCain as the “frontrunner.”

Here are a couple of red states we might mention, where Senator McCain had a similar lead:

Georgia won by Gov. Huckabee

Tennessee won by Gov. Huckabee

Alabama won by Gov. Huckabee

Louisiana won by Gov. Huckabee

Kansas won by Gov. Huckabee

How did we win?  We never gave up.  We made calls, we emailed friends and family, we waved signs, we handed out literature, we ran television ads (thanks to your generosity) and we won.

 GO MIKE GO!!!!!  Spread the Word!!!

The First Question…

February 12, 2008

The first question I am often asked these days is: “Why are you still running for President?” 

It is because I believe that I am the best candidate to represent you in the fall against the Democrats.  Why?  Because I have core conservative beliefs that I have never wavered from:

I believe in the Human Life Amendment and I will fight for it from Day 1 of my Presidency.

I believe in the Marriage Amendment.

I believe in massive tax reform and am an advocate of the FairTax.

I believe that President Bush’s tax cuts should be made permanent.

I believe in the Surge, our troops and General Petraeus.

I believe the 2nd amendment is one of the best ways to protect us from tyranny and I will work tirelessly to protect it from activist judges.
I believe in real border security and have proposed a detailed 9 point plan to secure our borders.

I believe the best judge is a conservative judge that won’t legislate from the bench.

These are some of the reasons why I am running for President and let me also say that YOU are another reason.  I am running to give you a voice in the process.  To lift up your voice with mine and to tell our Party and our government that we need to do better.  We need to think big and fight for our ideas.   

There’s lots of voting left to be done before our Republican Party’s nominee is decided.

Share this blog post with your friends and family and spread the word.  We are still in this race and we are running hard.

Welcome Back – Video

February 12, 2008

DBZWarriors has created this continuation of his other video “Cinderella Man”.  This race is far from being over.

Weird things going on in WA State

February 11, 2008

Why was the Republican party so quick to declare John McCain the winner of Saturday night’s primary election in Washington State? With 13% of the votes yet to be tallied, the call went for McCain, who was ahead of insurgent rival Mike Huckabee by just 1.8% of the votes cast.

By the time they awaited the results of the Washington contest, the American people had already learned some shocking news. Huckabee had destroyed McCain in Kansas and was projected the winner in Louisiana. A win in Washington would make it an embarrassing clean sweep over the party’s newly-anointed leader. Did this factor into the decision to prematurely call the race for McCain?

On Meet the Press, Huckabee called described the chain of events this way:

Josh Marshall and the TPM crew have been all over this one. So far, the most compelling rationale they’ve unearthed to explain the quick declaration is that the State’s Republican Party chair, Luke Esser, just got really excited. Let’s see what Huckabee’s legal team can find out.

Huckabee’s pressure has forced the state to resume counting the rest of the ballots. Don’t expect a concession speech until the last vote is tallied, and maybe not even then.

Can Huckabee Win the GOP Nomination?

February 11, 2008

Go Mike!

Huckabee’s Actually Done Some Math of His Own

February 11, 2008

From CBS News’ Joy Lin:

LYNCHBURG, VA. — It may be miracles he’s espousing, but Mike Huckabee’s done a little math of his own. Even if he might not be able to attain 1,191 votes necessary to win, he’s banking on the possibility John McCain can’t either.

“If John McCain doesn’t get 1,191 delegates, this goes to the convention, all bets are off,” Huckabee told reporters. “And after the first ballot anybody can end up being the nominee.”

So what if Karl Rove went on CBS’ Face the Nation saying it’s implausible that Huckabee will get the numbers necessary to win the nomination. Huckabee’s response: “Karl Rove has also maxed out personal contributions to John McCain … The fact the opposing team has their cheerleaders and band blowing songs against me hardly motivates me to quit. It only motivates me to play harder.”

For Huckabee, the game is not over.

“I’m really not very persuaded by the party officials and the party establishment who come out now and are saying ‘Oh, well John McCain has 700 delegates, we oughta just quit,’” said Huckabee.

“When they wrote the rules, it said you had to have 1,191. So why did they write the rules for that game of play and now want to change the rules, that’s crazy. And so, you know, I’m playing by the rules that were written for me and I’m not trying to make them and I’m not trying to break them, so we’ll continue doing it.”

Referencing Hillary Clinton’s tearful moments in recent months, Huckabee said, “If I cried and whined every time someone ignored me in this, I’d quit a year ago. But you have to realize that in every stage of this, there’s yet to be a time when the pundits said, Huckabee’s the guy to pull this off…I’m enjoying it if no other reason than to just intimidate the daylights out of all the other people who feel like they have it figured out.”

Following what he called an “overwhelming” win in Kansas and “shocking” victory in Louisiana, Huckabee said he felt “confident” going into Virginia.

“When [your opponents] really don’t think you have a chance, they ignore you. When they say bad things about you, they fear you. So the fact that I’m being asked to leave and all these things are being said, it’s an extraordinary honor. I don’t necessarily enjoy it, but I sure appreciate it.”

Huckabee won’t concede state; GOP resuming delegate count

February 10, 2008

The state Republican Party is resuming its count from Saturday’s caucuses after presidential candidate Mike Huckabee’s campaign expressed outrage over what it said was a race called too early.

In a news release, Huckabee’s campaign said there were “obvious irregularities” in the state’s Republican caucuses and that it is sending lawyers to explore “all available legal options regarding the dubious final results.”

According to that tally, Arizona Sen. John McCain won about 26 percent of delegates, Arkansas Gov. Huckabee won 24 percent, Texas Rep. Ron Paul finished with 21 percent, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who has dropped out of the race, got 17 percent. Most of the rest were non-committed.

Huckabee’s campaign takes issue with the fact that Washington state Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser called the race with 87 percent of the precincts counted. At that point, McCain was ahead of Huckabee by 242 delegates out of the 13,000 counted. The Huckabee campaign contends there were another 1,500 or so delegates apparently not counted.

“This was an error in judgment by Mr. Esser,” a news release from the Huckabee campaign said. “Washington Republicans know, from bitter experience in the 2004 gubernatorial election, the terrible results that can come from bad ballot counting.”

Esser said Sunday afternoon that the Republican Party was going to try to get as “close as we can to 100 percent” in the vote count, and may have more numbers by later today. But Esser doesn’t believe counting more votes will change the outcome.

“We’re eager to give everybody the same level of confidence in the numbers as we have,” he said.

Esser said their last county report on Saturday came shortly before 10:15 p.m., at which point they had 87.2 percent of precincts reporting. That’s when they did an analysis, saying: “Let’s take every county where Huckabee is beating McCain, and double the margin of victory,” Esser said. “And then take every county where McCain is winning and cut in half that margin of victory. Even if you assume that, Sen. McCain still holds on.

“That’s when we said we’re confident that Sen. McCain’s lead was going to hold up,” Esser said. “I would have done the same for Gov. Huckabee if he had the same margin and the same underlying dynamics as Sen. McCain.”

Esser said he spoke Sunday with Pastor Joseph Fuiten of Bothell, who’s heading Huckabee’s volunteer effort in this state. According to Esser, Fuiten said Huckabee supporters reported some voting irregularities. Esser said the party would investigate those allegations. Fuiten could not be reached for comment.

Esser said he didn’t have a figure for the number of people who attended the Republican caucuses, since he asked workers to focus on the delegate elections.

Saturday’s caucuses will determine only a portion of the 40 Republican delegates who will go on to the Republican National Convention. Caucuses at various levels will determine 18 of those delegates; 19 will be based on the state primary election on Feb. 19. The three remaining positions are “automatic” delegates — the state party chairman and two national-committee members.

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Maureen Moore, Washington state coordinator for the Ron Paul campaign, said her candidate “did wonderful — a lot more wonderful than what’s being reported.”

On the Democrats’ side, more than 200,000 people — a record number — turned out for the state caucuses, which resulted in Illinois Sen. Barack Obama winning about 68 percent of the delegates, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton winning about 31 percent, and the rest choosing either “uncommitted” or “other.”

Final numbers will be released by 5 p.m. Monday, said Kelly Steele, spokesman for Washington State Democrats.

Huckabee Speech to CPAC

February 10, 2008

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Huckabee almost wins Washington State

February 10, 2008

Huckabee came close in  WA last night, falling about 250 votes short from winning the State with 87% of the precints reporting so far.

However, he did win Louisiana, though he did not get the 50% needed to claim the delegates.  The delegates will be decided at the Louisiana State convention next week.
Huckabee also took Kansas by an almost 3-1 margin over McCain.

Huckabee has shown he can win else where than the south!  Now on to Virginia!