Huckabee Speech to CPAC

February 10, 2008

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Two Man Race

February 7, 2008

Interesting developments…

Mitt Romney ended his 2008 presidential bid today. That in effect makes Mike Huckabee the only viable contender against McCain for the GOP nomination. Now is the time for all conservatives to rally around Governor Huckabee; here are the top 5 reasons why:

1. Immigration: Mike signed a pledge today that was drafted by Sen. Sessions that he will make immigration a top priority as President. Mike is a man of his word and is the ONLY electable candidate who will END ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

2. Second Ammendment: Mike is the strongest candidate dedicated to defending the 2nd Ammendment – check out his record.

3. Tax Reform: It is utterly ludicrous to call Mike Huckabee an economic liberal. What he did in terms of cutting taxes in Arkansas was Revolutionary. He has the most conservative plan for federal taxes -eliminate the IRS and replace it with the flat consuption-based FAIR Tax.

4. Judges: In the next two presidential terms there are likely to be 3 vacancies in the US Supreme Court. Unlike Mike Huckabee, John McCain is not dedicated to appointing true conservative judges like Sam Alito who will support the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and the right to bear arms.

5. Communication: Mike is young, energetic and motivational. Not only will this give him a huge advantage in beating the Democratic Nominee (once he gets financial support of GOP), but it will make him the president who will unite the American people and get things done by selling concepts to the American people who will in turn compel their representatives (House and Senate) to support the President’s proposals.

Super Tuesday a Win!

February 7, 2008

Here is an email I got from the Huckabee Campaign.

What a day! Thanks to the hard and tireless work of tens of thousands of supporters nationwide we scored terrific victories last night.  You made calls, you sent emails, you wrote letters and waved signs and because of you we won:  West Virginia, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia and we came oh so very close in Missouri and Oklahoma.Let’s celebrate a bit this morning, but we must now quickly shift our focus to the next states casting votes:  Louisiana, Washington, Kansas, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Our campaign is already competitive in each of these states but we need to drive our momentum there and begin contacting voters immediately.  Kansas, Louisiana and Washington all cast votes on Saturday and The “Chesapeake Primary” (DC, MD and VA) is next Tuesday.  (NOTE: please hand out the link to this blog to anyone you know that lives in WA, you can print out the info cards I made and hand those out also)

Here is what I need from you this morning:1.  Make lists of everyone you know in these states and send them an email asking them to vote for our campaign.  If they are undecided please tell them to visit our campaign website to learn more about the issues we are fighting for and the kind of grassroots team we have assembled.  If you don’t know anyone living in DC, MD, VA, KS, WA and LA, please email or phone people you know that support my campaign and ask them to get more involved.  We need more volunteers, new contributors, and new supporters.  Friends contacting friends and convincing them to participate is the secret to our success.2.  If you are a Ranger please email your friends and family and ask them to contribute towards the amount you pledged to raise.  If you have already raised what you pledged, please consider boosting your goal.  Rangers helped raise over $200,000 over the last 6 days, but to compete effectively, over the next days we will need to double and triple that amount.If you aren’t a Ranger please consider signing up today.  Rangers help raise funds for our campaign and helped place over 100,000 voter contact calls for our campaign to voters in Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alabama, Florida and Georgia.3.  Make an immediate contribution of $25 or more today.  I’m headed into a meeting with my campaign team now to review our resources and determine just what we need to propel our efforts in these next key states.  I’ll drop you a note later today with a summary of our discussion.  In the meantime, if at all possible, please make an immediate contribution today.The second half of this marathon race has begun.  We are stronger, faster and most important, we are together.

The Only “Catholic” On the Ballot: Mike Huckabee?

February 1, 2008


Guest Commentary:The Only ‘Catholic’ On the Ballot: Mike Huckabee?

Faced with a more colourful line-up of candidates touting a wider array of viewpoints than ever before, an unprecedented number of voters remain undecided.

On the Democratic side, the race for the White House pits the first viable African-American candidate against the first viable female candidate, while the Republican field includes a bona-fide war hero running against a former Baptist preacher, a multi-millionaire business executive, a prime-time TV actor, and a guy who likes to be called “America’s Mayor.”

This time around, however, Catholics have been given extra-help in making wise choices at the ballot box. In a recent document entitled “Forming Consciences for Faithful citizenship” (2007), the US Conference of Catholic Bishops provided the faithful with a voter’s guide that can help them exercise their democratic responsibilities in accordance with the Church’s social teachings.

Of course, the Bishops of the Church offer no detailed social program; they claim no expertise in the finer points of economics or foreign policy. What they do provide, however, is an outline of general moral and social principles, clearly laid out and prioritized in a way that can enable Catholics — and, indeed, all people of good will—to apply those principles to the great issues of the day.

Here is a salutary exercise for every Catholic who wants to cast a well-informed vote this year: go to each candidate’s website, and read over their public statements of where they stand on the issues. Then, immediately after that, read the Bishops’ statement on “Faithful Citizenship.” Compare and contrast what you find.

When this exercise is done fairly and without prejudice, many Catholics will be surprised to discover that the presidential candidate whose viewpoints seem most “in sync” with the Church’s guidance is none other than the most devout Evangelical in the race: Mike Huckabee.

Read the rest:

Huckabee on the Issues

February 1, 2008

Huckabee for President Volunteer Issue Guide

1. With ten-and-a-half years of experience running state government, Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas has more relevant executive experience than any candidate in the race – either Republican or Democrat.
2. Recognized and tapped by his peers for leadership, the National Governor’s Association selected Governor Huckabee as it’s Chairman,

3. TIME Magazine honored him as one of the five best Governors in America.

4. Governor Huckabee is a fiscal conservative who cut taxes almost 100 times in the state of Arkansas, including the state’s first broad-based tax cuts, and turned a $200 million deficit into an $850 million surplus.

1. TAXES/ECONOMY –Governor Huckabee supports The FairTax because it will restore the “Made in America” label, making American goods 12-25% more competitive, boosting economic growth, increasing our exports, and securing American jobs. It also prevents criminals or illegal aliens from avoiding taxes, and makes the taxes we all pay 100% transparent.

2. GOVERNMENT SPENDING – Governor Huckabee is committed to reducing government spending. One way he’ll do this is by reducing the cost of welfare. Governor Huckabee will work with states to reduce welfare roles through programs like the one he implemented in Arkansas, which reduced welfare roles by 50%.

3. HEALTH CARE –Governor Huckabee will implement a consumer-based healthcare system that emphasizes preventative medicine and wellness. Because 70% of our $2 trillion dollar healthcare costs is spent treating chronic, preventable diseases, this approach will make healthcare more affordable for everybody while keeping us healthier.

4. FAMILY VALUES –Governor Huckabee supports a federal constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. He Successfully fought for Arknasas’ marriage amendment and strongly supports a similar, federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

5. IMMIGRATION –Governor Huckabee will secure the border (with physical barriers, electronic surveillance, and more border-patrol personnel and detention facilities). He will also end sanctuary cities and increase penalties on, and enforcement against, employers who hire illegal immigrants. Governor Huckabee will make sure the border patrol has adequate funding to end our “catch and release” system so that everyone caught trying to enter illegally, overstaying their visa, or committing a crime will be held until they’re tried, convicted, and deported. Gov. Huckabee has also signed the Numbers USA “No Amnesty” Pledge.

6. WAR ON TERROR AND IRAQ – Governor Huckabee knows it takes a large, well-equipped military to ensure our national defense and to deter conventional military confrontations. He also knows we need large, well-equipped intelligence and Special Forces operations for our national offense – so we can effectively find and eliminate terrorist threats at home or abroad. Governor Huckabee will be a Commander in Chief who knows that IF WE HAVE TO FIGHT A WAR, our President has to fight it the way our GENERALS tell him it can be won, not the way we wants it to be won.

7. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE –Governor Huckabee will implement a program to end the import of foreign oil in the next ten years by increasing domestic oil production in the short term, and then replacing oil-based energy infrastructure with alternative and renewable energies.

8. CLEMENCIES – Arkansas Governors grant clemency, but the parole board grants parole. Wayne DuMond’s parole was granted by the board and NOT Governor Huckabee.

9. TAXES –When Governor Huckabee left office, the tax rates remained exactly the same as when he first came into office. Governor Huckabee returned almost $400 million to Arkansasf taxpayers, and he also DOUBLED the standard deduction for individuals and married couples, DOUBLED the childcare tax credit, and eliminated the marriage penalty. He also repealed capital gains taxes for home sales, lowered the capital gains rate by 25%, expanded the homestead exemption, and set up tax-free savings accounts for medical care and college tuition.  Gov. Huckabee has also signed the Americans for Tax Reform’s pledge not to raise taxes.

• Lifetime member of the NRA, member for over 15 years
• First Governor to have concealed-carry permit
• Removed restrictions on carry permit holders
• Protected gun manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits
• Opposes reauthorization of the Assault Weapon Ban
• Opposes expansion of the unconstitutional “Brady Bill”
• Opposes waiting period for purchase of firearms
• Opposes background checks on private firearms transactions at gun shows
• Will nominate judges who interpret the constitution as the Founders intended, rather than as a “living document reflecting current political trends or opinions”
• An avid hunter and conservationist, and a member of the Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation and BASS.

Debate Videos

January 31, 2008

Here are the CA debate videos.

Part 1: 

Part 2: 

Part 3: 

Part 4: 

Part 5: 

Part 6: 

Part 7: 

Part 8: 

Part 9: 

Super Tuesday

January 30, 2008

Our focus turns now to Super Tuesday.  Recent polling shows us in first or tied for first place in Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee and Oklahoma.  Voters in these states will have a chance to reclaim the nominating process for conservatives by casting their votes in support of our campaign. And in the states where poll after poll has shown us in second or third, please spread the word that we are still standing and we have what it takes to win. 
Because if I am a Republican voter in a state casting votes next week on Super Tuesday, I am asking two fundamental questions: 
Which candidate best reflects my views on the issues?
And does that candidate have what it takes to defeat the Democrat nominee in the fall?

If I am a voter in Tennessee and I care about education, I want a President that has executive experience reforming a state’s education system and has a substantive plan to reform education at the national level.
If I am a voter in Georgia and I care deeply about the issues of abortion and marriage, I want a President that will fight tirelessly for life and the family at the federal level, someone with a real record of achievement on these issues not just a politician paying election year lip service on those issues.
If I am a voter in Missouri and I am worried about the economy, I want a President that understands what its like to walk in my shoes and has a plan to stimulate the economy and real world, governing experience to strengthen and help grow our economy.
If I am a voter in California and I am concerned about national security, especially border security, I want a President that has a plan to secure our borders, end amnesty and end the practice of sanctuary cities.
If I am a voter in Alabama and I care passionately about the second amendment, I want a President that understands the 2nd amendment is primarily about tyranny and the right to self-defense not hunting.
If the Republican nominee cannot relate to Republican voters on these important and fundamental issues, we will not defeat the Democrats in the fall.
If the Republican nominee appears out of touch with regular voters or has cast votes that were an anathema to his Party, that candidate will fail to unite the Republican Party against the Democrat nominee, no matter who that nominee is.
I have what it takes, our campaign is still standing and drawing new support everyday and I am prepared to lead America forward.  Spread the word.  I am fighting for you and will continue to do so every step of the way.

What is Huckonomics?

January 26, 2008

The following was written by guest blogger Donovan Quinn of The Huck Report.In order to understand Huckonomics, one must comprehend basic economics.

In a nutshell, the science of economics deals with scarcity. If a person were capable of producing everything that he could ever need or desire without any assistance from anyone else, then he would never buy or sell anything. Instead, he would stay at home and live contented with all of his stuff.

The very fact that marketplaces exist is concrete evidence that no man is an island. I need things from other people just as other people need things from me. The marketplace is merely the place where my surplus time and material is matched with your want or need in a reciprocal transaction. In other words, I will scratch your back if you scratch mine.

Sometimes, though, the marketplace does not always work. I may be a wheat farmer with excess grain while you may be a baker who needs grain. Clearly, I have what you need to make your bread. However, if I do not need your bread, then what can you offer me in exchange for my grain? Absolutely nothing! In a complete vacuum, our bilateral transaction could never happen. Nevertheless, if a third person who wants your bread could also provide me with farm implements, then we could create a multilateral transaction: (1) I will give you my wheat if (2) you give him your bread and if (3) he gives me his surplus farm equipment. Basically, I scratch your back, you scratch his back, and he scratches mine. With just a little bit of collective effort and coordination, we all have our needs met by simply bartering our goods and services to each other.

Read the rest of this entry »

Here’s a great article from WND

January 20, 2008

WND Exclusive Commentary

Hillary vs. Huckabee

Posted: January 20, 2008
8:45 p.m. Eastern

Sitting at another full-throttle World Combat League event in San Antonio, Texas, on Friday night, I caught myself momentarily reflecting back upon the previous two days of campaigning with GOP frontrunner Mike Huckabee. As the contestants combated in the WCL ring, I thought to myself, “The fight of the century would be Hillary vs. Huckabee in the presidential ring.”Unless Barack Obama’s surge shatters everyone’s expectations, or he manages some strategic alignment with John Edwards as a dynamic duo, it seems Hillary will win the nomination. And the question that continues to loom on everyone’s mind will remain: Who can beat Hillary? Which GOP candidate has the background, experience and savvy to wage war against the Clinton machine?

I know unequivocally who that man is. It is Mike Huckabee. I’ll tell you why.

The problems with other GOP punches

I’ve trained fighters for nearly four decades now. I was a six-time world champion. I pretty much know what it takes to create a winner. And I believe there are similarities between making winners in the fighting ring and the presidential one – only the strong survive.

Right now the Clinton machine (which Huckabee calls “the sausage grinder”) is planning how to slice and dice each of the GOP candidates if they make the nomination.

Ron Paul would battle Hillary with substance, but I believe he would ultimately bow to her shrewdness. Her prowess would prey upon his constitutional cries. He simply lacks the finesse to handle her fortitude.

Fred Thompson is a good man with a fairly conservative record. However, I believe the Clinton-malevolent marketers would aim at his lack of personality or passion and score a direct hit with the public.

John McCain would put on a strong battle against Hillary, though I fear he would be crippled simply on account of the age factor (72 in August). If the presidency ages one at 3-1 year rate, one term could advance McCain into his 80s.

Rudy Giuliani, if he survives this strategy to jump start his campaign in Florida, would be sized up and found wanting as the “New York senator vs. the New York mayor” battle began. Trumping his 9/11 apprentice through trite compliments, Hillary will accuse him of being more Democrat than he is Republican and undervaluing middle America by ignoring the initial primary states.

Mitt Romney might be able to match Hillary’s advertisement monies, but the Clinton character assassins will shoot at the series of flip-flops in his platform. And who better to understand how to attack a waffler than one married to Bill Clinton!

Mano a mano from Hope

The person the Clinton sausage grinder fears most is Mike Huckabee. Why? Because …

1) He has the longest and largest executive experience running government among GOP candidates – three years a lieutenant governor and 11 years as governor of the State of Arkansas – more experience than even Bill took into office.

2) Hillary can’t belittle Huck’s origins because they are theirs too – Bill and Mike were both governors, both from Hope, Ark.

3) Mike has far more passion and personality than Hillary, and he is the only one who can persuasively outlast, outplay and outwit her in any debating ring or campaign arena.

4) Mike has a record she can’t punch. She can’t even swing at the false allegations against Mike on immigration, taxes or pardons, primarily because the Clinton legacy has a record of condoning illegals, raising taxes and releasing criminals!

Though I’m sure Bill is now regretting the compliment he offered Huckabee when Mike was nowhere near the top tier of candidates, let me remind the world. Bill said Mike was the “only dark horse that’s got any kind of chance … He’s the best speaker they’ve got.”

The fact is Mike is the best opponent to fight Hillary, because, most of all, as he has reminded us in many occasions, “I’ve already taken on the Clinton machine and beat it twice.”

The only resource Clinton has that could combat Mike is more money – and in this ring we all know the muscle in that fist. But we can prevent that, and must by financially joining Mike’s army before it’s too late.

So can a man who was raised in a poor background from Hope, Ark., become governor then president? As Mike says, “Our country has already proven that!” What I would say is: Give Hope another chance! This time they want to send in the real cavalry.

Keep Hope alive! Join my wife Gena and me in electing Mike Huckabee!


Huckabee heating up in SC

January 16, 2008

Welcome to Huckabee Country

Andrew Romano

TIGERVILLE, S.C.–They’re spread like breadcrumbs on the road from Lyman to North Greenville University.
I counted at least 17 on the 18 mile drive; when I turned off the main road, Rt. 29, they passed by the windows of my white Chevy Impala at a rate of one or two per intersection. And nearly all of them were Baptist.
Which is just to say: this here is Mike Huckabee country.
The former Arkansas governor (and former Baptist minister) may trail John McCain by 2.5 percent in the latest South Carolina polling averages, but seeing the two leading Palmetto State contenders back-to-back on the same afternoon, it’s immediately clear that it’s McCain, not Huckabee, who’s fighting the uphill battle this week.
McCain’s goal: protect his right flank. Unlike in Michigan, New Hampshire or Iowa, the Arizona senator opened both of his appearances this morning by boasting of his “24-year record supporting the rights of the unborn”; when asked about his new lead-in, he told reporters it’s “because we know phone calls are being made that say I’m not, so I have to remind people.” (Asked if an opponent–namely the Huckabee-supporting group Common Sense–was making the calls, he laughed: “No, they’re coming from Mount Olympus.”) Attempting to blunt further questions on his pro-life credentials, McCain added that he would “nominate the closest thing to a clone of Justice Roberts I can find.” He railed against internet pornography and spoke frequently of “family values” and the “breakdown of the family”; he turned a question about drug use into an opportunity to talk tough on illegal immigration, dropping phrases like “go back where they came from” more often than “humane” and “compassionate,” his usual standbys. And McCain even revived an old ad slamming Hillary Clinton’s support for a Woodstock museum. Let the culture wars begin–again.
Don’t get me wrong. McCain’s shifting emphasis is all well and good–and probably necessary in a state where Confederate Flag loyalists are swarming each of his events. But it’s largely a defensive crouch, and it detracts from what even McCain says is his main strength–national security and veterans issues, which play well among South Carolina’s massive military community.
Huckabee, on the other hand, is all offense. Take today’s appearance at the Baptist North Greenville University–“Where Christ Makes the Difference.” At the end of Huckabee’s remarks, the dean of the school asked the candidate two “hard-hitting” questions. “Not to put you on the spot,” he said, “but are you a Christian? And can you tell us about your salvation experience?”
Shockingly, Huckabee was happy to oblige. “I came to Christ on my tenth birthday,” he said. “August the 24th, 1965. It was at the Vacation Bible School at the little church I attended in Hope, Arkansas. I have to tell you the whole story. I didn’t go to Vacation Bible School to be spiritual. I went because my sister said you get all the Kool-Aid you could drink and all the cookies you could eat. That sounded like a good deal to me, so I went that next day. I was a little disappointed because when I got there, they didn’t think I could drink more than one cup of Kool-Aid or eat more than two cookies. They were wrong about that. But they were right about that day telling me what it means to come to Christ… I remember praying their prayer and feeling overwhelmed with the sense that God loved me. In fact, so much so, when everybody went out to play baseball, some of my friends said, ‘Let’s go play, man.’ And I said, ‘No, I don’t want to get dirty.’ Because I’d never felt so clean in my life.” Hallelujah.
Then, after scribbing some autographs and posing for pictures, Huckabee walked across the hall and at a little press conference signed a “No Amnesty Pledge”–a pledge that McCain had already refused to sign.

Game on.

This is the latest from Newsweek and can be viewed at: