Well, it has been nice

Well, it has been good experience blogging here at WAforMike.  You, our visitors, have been great.  The turnout to this blog has been amazing, with thousands of visitors since this blog was started exactly 2 months ago, the 4th of January, just hours after Huckabee won Iowa.  We had great hopes that a great, conservative, Christian canidate would win the nomination and bring true change to America.  Not empty hopes such as the kind Senator Obama offers, but TRUE, solid hopes for change.  Sadly, this has not happened.  With 64% of the results in from Texas, Governer Mike Huckabee has lost to Senator John McCain.  We here at WAforMike commend Mike Huckabee for a well run campaign.  We will throw our weight behind Senator McCain’s campaign now, and recommend that you do so also.  Remember, Senator McCain may be more liberal than some of us like, however, he is still much better than either Senator Obama or Senator Clinton.

We are now blogging a new website, www.trueobamafacts.com, and encourage you to visit the site, and pass out the link to everyone you come in contact with.

Thanks, and God bless you all!

The Bloggers at WAforMike

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